Frost Rowing Program

December 04, 2024

This fall Woodson HS launched an exciting new after-school rowing club for Frost MS students! Our novice rowers learned the basics of the sport using rowing machines (ergometers) and got a great workout in the process. Experienced high school coaches and athletes were on hand to provide instruction and encouragement. This incredible mentorship program not only introduced younger students to the sport of rowing but also fostered teamwork, discipline, and a love of physical activity. We are thrilled with the enthusiasm and dedication shown by our middle schoolers!

Thanks to Coach Tylander, Coach Hester and Coach Ron of Woodson Rowing Club for introducing our students to rowing. Special shoutout to Ms. Metzker for coordinating the program.  We are very grateful to all the parents who volunteered to move equipment, Michelle Su for volunteering to coach, and Lisa Veigel, who was instrumental in making this program a success.