Rising 9th Grade Course Selection

Course selection information for all current Frost 8th grade students.

2025 Dates & Events

January 14-15Frost Students Receive High School course selection presentation through Civics classes from Woodson & Annandale Counselors
January 15Woodson & Annandale HS Curriculum Nights 
January 15Robinson IB Information Night
January 16 Course Planning Tool through Falcon Focus classes to draft course selections
January - FebAcademy Program Open Houses - Dates/Locations Here
January 22 - February 16 Frost students receive course selection sheets and participate in individual academic advising meetings with Frost Counselors through Science classes (see schedule below)
Jan 31 - Feb 21All course selection sheets due to Frost Science teachers (see schedule below)

Academic Advising

Frost students will receive presentations on 1/14 & 1/15 from Woodson and Annandale counselors. Frost students will then complete a Course Planning Tool on 1/16 in Falcon Focus, through the submission of a Google Form. A copy of their responses will be emailed to them.

Students will be given paper course selection sheets when they meet with their counselor and will have one week to complete and return to teachers. Please discuss course selection options with your student and review their course selection sheet carefully. Every 9th grade student will take English, Science, History, Math, PE, and two year long elective courses. Students will also list alternate elective courses.

A schedule will be provided below and communicated via email & Schoology to families when counselors will be working with each science class, but dates may need to be adjusted. The order in which students are seen will not impact the timing of their course requests. Students receiving services through Special Education will complete initial course selections with their counselor and will be placed in classes in SIS that align with their current service hours. Final course placements will be determined after spring transition IEP meetings.

Advising DatesCourse Sheet DueScience 8 TeacherCounselor

General Academic Advising

Graduation Requirements