Summer Reading and Learning

Summer Reading
Complete the Fairfax County Public Library’s READing Challenge! Free tickets to concerts and museums, free ice cream, and more great rewards! Sign-up in-person or virtually for the SUMMER READING ADVENTURE CHALLENGE!

MackinVIA! Your Frost Library account gives you access to Ebooks and streaming audiobooks all summer long! 8th graders-you will switch from Frost to your designated high school sometime mid-summer. Sign-in with Google!
MyOn!! Log in to MyOn all summer long and get credit for the books you read!
Learn more about FCPS Summer Reading here
Math Summer Resources
No specific summer assignments or requirements, but it is recommended that students practice specific skills, based on level of course, throughout the summer.
Middle School Math Program of Studies & Online Textbooks
Standards for Math 7, Math 7 HN and Math 8
High School Math Program of Studies & Online Textbooks
Standards for Algebra 1/Algebra 1 HN, Geometry HN, and Algebra 2 HN
FCPS endorsed Math Resources and Games
(Recommended - Discovery Education, Khan Academy, Math Playground). Many teachers use Khan Academy throughout the year, if you are a returning FCPS student, it is encouraged that students use their school Google accounts to log in and track the topics/progress.
If your student is going into Math 7, teachers recommend the students practice fraction operations, integer operations, order of operations, graphing coordinates.
If your student is going into Math 7 HN, teachers recommend students practice the concepts of the real number system, integer operations, expressions (combining like terms), equations, ratios & proportions, inequalities, functions, geometry, measurement, probability, and statistics. If your student is interested in practicing these skills, there are specific links available at the bottom on this website.
If your student is going into Pre-Algebra/Math 8, teachers recommend practice on the topics: ratio/percent, working with fractions, geometry, basic operations/computations.
If your student is going into Algebra 1 or Algebra 1 Honors, teachers recommend reviewing: Order of operations, Evaluating expressions (Substitution), Simplifying Expressions Using Distributive Property and Combining Like Terms, Integer and Fraction Operations, Square Roots/Perfect Squares, Negative Exponents, Equations and Inequalities with Variables on Both Sides, Graphing Functions (slope and y-intercept). If students want to practice the skills necessary for Algebra, Khan Academy's "Get Read For Algebra 1" is a great starting point! Additionally, students may explore the Summer Packet for Algebra.pdf
If your student is going into Geometry HN, teachers recommend reviewing fractions, radicals, exponents, equations, inequalities, linear equations, quadratics, systems of equations 2 x 2.
If your child is going into Algebra 2 HN, teachers recommend reviewing factoring, simplifying radicals, quadratics and linear functions, statistics (zscores), and absolute value inequalities.
Additional Math Summer Resources
Note: The resources below are not endorsed by FCPS. They are intended to provide students with additional support over the summer
Virginia sixth-grade math standards
Virginia seventh-grade math standards
Virginia eighth-grade math standards