In 2024 Mr. Deixler began his 17th year in Fairfax County Public Schools, and 6th year as Assistant Principal at Mantua Elementary School. He started his career in education as a fifth-grade teacher at Haycock Elementary, where he taught for 5 years. He has worked at Mantua since, for 5 years as a fifth-grade teacher, one year as an Administration Intern, and for the last six as an Assistant Principal.
Mr. Deixler is a proven leader with years of experience providing professional development for instructional staff, operational staff, and school administrators. Mr. Deixler has provided differentiated professional development from needs and goals identified as part of the School Improvement and Innovation Planning process to include Multi-tiered Systems of Support and Reading and Math Workshop. He has built staff capacity in instructional practices by facilitating data dialogues for teachers, teams, and the Guiding Coalition to develop tier 2 and 3 interventions to support identified students in closing achievement gaps. In addition, he is skilled in building a positive workplace culture, promoting collaboration, and increasing efficacy and effectiveness in all staff members. Mr. Deixler was also selected as a member of the Region 5 Assistant Principal Planning Committee and the Region 5 AP Plus Planning Committee.
Mr. Deixler is originally from upstate New York and received his undergraduate degree from SUNY Buffalo in English. After trying out life in the business sector, Mr. Deixler realized his passion for education, returning to school for his Master’s in Elementary Education at Florida State University. After years of teaching, he obtained his Master’s in Administration and Supervision from the University of Virginia.
In 2019, Mr. Deixler married the love of his life Leah, and their son, Ari, was born in August 2020. Mr. Deixler enjoys spending time with his amazing family, golfing, cooking, movies, reading, and rooting hopelessly for his New York sports teams.