
Frost Middle School Orchestra


Upcoming Events

Spring trip to Kings Dominion will be May 19th

Upcoming Events

Final concert of the year will be 7:00 pm, June 7th at Woodson HS


Mrs Patterson Orchestra Teacher


Welcome to Orchestra at Frost! 

Welcome, I'm Mrs. Patterson, the Orchestra teacher at Frost. I'm a violinist, and my greatest joy is sharing the love of music with my students! I've taught and performed in the D.C. area for over 20 years and recently published a book called "Basic String Technique, A Practical Guide to String Instruction."
I also get to share my fun ideas with other teachers at lots of conferences, both locally and nationally. You can find more about me and watch my video tutorials at my own website, www.stringsintheclassroom.com.

I can't wait to make music with you at Frost!

Student playing music Mrs. Patterson Conducting  Students playing music

Joining Orchestra 

There are four levels of Orchestra offered at Frost: 

  1. Concert Orchestra: Level 1-2 No audition needed, perfect for newer players

  2. Intermezzo Orchestra: Level 2-3 (Required experience: "low 2" and basic skills)

  3. Symphonic Orchestra: Level 3-4 (Required experience: some 3rd position and multiple keys)

  4. Chamber Orchestra: Level 4-5 (Required experience: multiple positions, advanced keys, rhythms and technique)



Current Frost students should sign up to audition for placement during a Falcon Focus class using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050449AEAB2FA0FB6-audition. The audition deadline and in-person auditions (by appointment only) are May 12th.

Rising 7th grade students should join our Schoology Group using this code: 8SK2-WRHH-JZMGQ  Make sure to click “Groups” not Courses. Next click “My Groups” and “Add Group.” It’s important that rising 7th grade students join the group because that is how I’ll communicate placement results.

Rising 7th Grade students to audition:

Link to Flip group to post audition video: Flip group link

Link to sign up for in-person May 12th: Signup Genius link